Dollar Dollar Bill Y’all…. Sick of the roller coaster ride that is the economic system nowadays? Enough is enough! Its time to do something about the zeitgeist that has changed our lives to sing to the tune of the dollar. And no, I know what you’re thinking; Anarchy does not really fix the problem. Do you feel like venting some of the frustration that has slowly built up over time? Scorn this fiscal, monetary, economic system (call it what you may) that we are subjected to, no questions asked.

Well get back! Starting with the toilet roll you use to wipe clean. The 100 Dollar Toilet Roll is for those who hate what money is and stands for today. Use it what it’s meant for. Flush those green Franklins right down, without a second thought, reveling in the act of having done so. A fun gift for anyone, the 100 Dollar Bill Roll is absolutely true toilet roll, super soft as well, for those more sensitive. Enjoy, wiping up with Franklin.
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