On an average, men spend around 3 years in the loo in a lifetime, with an unbelievable 40 minutes spent everyday. Amazing isn’t it. What a lot of time used up evacuating matter and fluids. However essential, it does seem like an insane amount of time to be spending in the lavatory. What can you do besides stand there staring at the ceiling or the floor, bored to have to wait until the last drop trickles out. Yawn.
We have a fun way of making this daily routine an enjoyable experience. Make the most of a mundane bodily function by targeting a floating football. Aim while you wiz. The wee-wee aim football is a teaching aid to help little boys get the pee in and not around the pot. Adult men can also let the kid out in them and have some fun while relieving the pressure. Nothing beats trying to sink a floating football, things you might need to consider: trajectory, force and distance; use variations of the same, make the game interesting, you could add some obstacles as well. Gone are the days of the boring pee, hello fun wee-wee aim football. Buy Now
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