Jam jars store jam, the Sun jar collects and stores sunshine so that you can use it at night.
Made with a traditional Mason jar and high tech energy efficient lighting! Captured inside the jar are a highly efficient solar cell, rechargeable battery and low energy LED lamps.
When the jar is placed in sunlight the solar cell creates an electrical current that charges the battery over a few hours. This energy is then used at night to power the three LED lamps inside the jar.
The light is diffused by the frosted jar and give the appearance of sunlight emitting from the (warm colored LED lights are used to give a more natural and warm light).
You may have noticed that there is no switch on the sun jar - in fact there are no visible controls at all - there is a clever light sensor inside that automatically activates the lights when it gets dark or lights are turned out!* Mason Jars are not only beautiful but by their very nature they are completely water tight - so the Sun Jar can happily be left outside in any weather conditions.
Now Available at Gstore @ €21.99

Sun Jars need DIRECT sunshine to work!
Leave the Sun Jar outside or in a sunny window in DIRECT sunlight for several hours to charge,
(electric light indoors is not bright enough!).
Bad weather is bad news for Sun Jars!
You may find that in winter or cloudy weather your Sun Jar illuminates for less time than normal, or even not at all. This is because your Sun Jar require SUN to re-charge!
For improved results, leave the Sun Jar switched off (switch up) whilst charging. Simply switch it to the on position (switch down) when you would like it to glow. This conserves battery life and will leave it to illuminate when you need it to.
If the weather has been particularly bad, as a last resort you can also charge the batteries in a normal battery charger!
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